What god told me


My fiancé and I have been trying to conceive for over a year now, and every month I would spend so much on ovulation tests and pregnancy tests. My fiancé doesn't really believe in god but he supports my belief. Usually the day I get my period, I would cry in the shower, but last month was different, I got in and felt the tears welling up, and then the still small voice in the back of my head said 'I'm making them perfect for you' and I wasn't crying tears of sadness it was tears of joy. Life is less stressful when you just let nature take its own course. No, I'm not pregnant yet, but hope to become soon 💙 baby dust to all 💙💙

Update: thank you guys for sharing all of your stories, good luck to those of you that god has recently touched, and good luck to everyone ttc, baby dust and god bless ! 💙

Update: I was pregnant the next month. I had a little girl. Her name is Adeline, she is now 18 months old. I found out tonight, that I’m having another baby!