Could I Be Pregnant??

I had my last period June 6 and usually have a 31 day cycle. I had unprotected sex on what should've been about 4 or 5 days after my fertile window ended. He didn't ejaculate inside of me (he pulls out the second he feels he might be getting close to ejaculation), but I was a bit worried so I took 2 birth control pills. I'm not on birth control yet because I'm waiting for my period to start. I had my doctor's appointment July 3 and they of course did a urine pregnancy test for the prescription that turned up negative. I was due for my period today, July 7, so I'm not late at all really, but I've been having a little bit of cramping and I can't tell if it's in my lower stomach or uterus but it's not bad at all and just feels like small gas pains. I'm also having kind of clear, watery but slightly sticky discharge. Could I be pregnant or is it a result of taking the pills that one day? Or just my period being late because it wants to