My Birth Story


I had my baby boy 2 weeks ago and am just now able to type this up!

So, starting around 32 weeks I started having issues with high blood pressure. Nobody seemed to take me seriously but I know my body & knew something was off. I went to the hospital one night when I was about 35 weeks with blood pressure 170/113 but was sent home because I had no symptoms other than high bp, a headache, and dizziness. Fast forward to 36 weeks I went in for my weekly appointment and once again stated my concerns. My blood pressure was still high so they decided to do a nst and baby boys heart wasn't doing what it was supposed to. They checked my bp again after the nst and decided to send me to the hospital. I went home and took my dog out, ate, and then headed to the hospital expecting it to once again be a quick trip & I'd be sent home. I even had my husband go ahead and go to work. I get in, they hook me up, take blood and urine and I wait. I'm there a few hours and the doctor comes in and officially diagnoses me with preeclampsia and said he's waiting on another test but that I'd either be delivering that day based on the results or two days later when I hit 37 weeks. He told me either way I wouldn't be leaving the hospital without a baby. Everything came back as ok and I was considered stable so they decided unless things change I'd be induced at 8am the day I hit 37 weeks. I chilled in the hospital until that day and was actually having regular contractions the entire time. 8am on induction day came & I was taken to my delivery room and hooked up to pitocin and started walking. I walked till about 10 and my doctor went ahead and broke my water and did a membrane sweep at 4cm. Contractions got stronger and I kept walking. At some point something happened to my IV and blood literally started spraying everywhere and the only one around was a nurse in training on her 2nd day. She didn't know what to do but cut off circulation to my arm and called for help. Needless to say I was traumatized and hoping that wasn't the start of downhill events. 😂 I stopped walking about 2pm and started bouncing on the ball. This helped and was a little more comfortable. I got in the bed at about 7cm and napped a little but honestly going from 7cm-10cm was the worst part for me. I hated my body telling me to push but not being able to! At around 7pm it was time to push! I pushed for about 3 hours with no progress, the doctor came in and checked and gave me a little more time to try or we were going to have to do an emergency c-section. He left and came back about 30 minutes later to tell me that they were going to prep me for the c section, but turns out he could see the babies head and I had made a ton of progress. He started laughing and said he was 100% sure I was going to have a csection until he saw that. I pushed for about another hour, ended up with an episiotomy (don't know how bad but I was told he cut a LOT and I saw how many times he stitched 😭) my husbands face during the episiotomy was priceless. I honestly thought he was going to faint. Let me tell you, dealing with how sore my muscles were for the next 2 days was SOOO much worse than labor for me. I felt like jello. I'm so proud of myself that I didn't give up and pushed through it!!! I was in labor for over 16 hours, pushed for over 4, and didn't give in and get any pain medicine. The doctor and nurses all said I was hilarious throughout the entire thing and I was the calmest person the doctor had ever delivered for in his 20 years, even calmer than women who had an epidural. They said I never made a peep while pushing. When I was getting wheeled to my postpartum room the nurses all cheered and hugged me and said they were rooting for me as I went by😂 my entire stay I was joked with by nurses because when I got to the ring of fire I guess I said "that's uncomfortable" with no sign of feeling pain. Lol. I'm so proud of myself and even though things didn't go exactly how I wanted them to and my little man didn't cook as long as he should have, I couldn't be happier with my birth story. 😊All that matters to me is that my baby boy is healthy, I'm healthy, and everything turned out ok. Women are amazing & we should all be so proud of ourselves! Props to all you moms that got epidurals and had c sections, those were my biggest fears throughout pregnancy so you guys are definitely strong than I am. 😂