Is this wrong at all, or am I just over thinking?

I am currently deeply in love with a boy that is 2 years and 7 months younger than me. I am currently 18, & he is currently 16 years old. I know the age difference is not significant whatsoever. Considering my parents are 8 years apart, my friends parents are 11 years apart, and I also know a sweet couple that started dating while the boy was a freshman in high school & the girl was a freshman in college. They are 4 years apart and are now happily married adults. We started growing feelings for each other while I was a senior, and he was a 9th grader. I am now going to be a freshman in college this coming Fall, and he will be a sophomore in high school. The age difference is not huge and it shouldn't be a big deal. However, we go to a very small school within a rural community. Everyone talks and rumors fly like crazy! Not in a conceded aspect, but I am very well known & well liked throughout my school/community. I uphold a well image and I love people so much! I guess that I am very fearful of people changing the way they see me, or my character being tarnished. I suffer from OCD and anxiety (medically), so I truly understand that my mind is making this out to be a far bigger deal than it really is. So all in all, I am in love with a younger boy. He is only 2 years and 7 months younger than me, his maturity level is most definitely up to my level of maturity, our relationship was founded upon friendship, and we are both Christians. With all this being said, I would love to hear anyone/everyone's opinion! Whether they be good, bad, rude, nice, empathetic, etc., every opinion is more insight & very much appreciated. Thank you!