Am I pregnant?!?! Please Help

Hi lovelys 💕 I'm struggling to really find answers on the internet for my exact situation, so I thought I'd try here.

My partner and I had sex the day after my period ended, he some how completely forgot to pull out and here I am.

We were not using a condom (silly I know) I also haven't been on the pill for a few months, nor any other contraception.

The next day I took an emergency contraceptive, roughly 12-15 hours after. The day after I took the emergency contraceptive I got a heavy period for 2 days (I thought this was a reaction to the contraceptive, my uterus shedding any lining the egg could have stuck to ect)

However now a month has been and gone, I'm 11 days late for my period. I have had cramping and other signs I normally have before my period comes, but no period.

I don't seem to be havering any other pregnancy symptoms either.

I tried a home pregnancy test, but I may have done it wrong as the whole screen had a different colour wash over it (the box said it would do this) but then no lines showed up at all, even after waiting at least 20 before binning it.

I don't "feel" pregnant, but it's a very real possibility I suppose. I'm hoping maybe the 2 day period I got after the emergency contraceptive has just like "re-set" my cycle?? Is that a possibility?

Please help me

Thank you lovely women so much for any advise
