My Birth Story! A bit long :)


I have 2 little girls my first born Sophia will be 4 in September and our newest addition is baby Maya who just turned 2 months old. With my first Sophia, I had a lot of complications. Starting of with terrible nausea, throwing up almost everyday, constant hospital visits for passing out and kidney stones etc. At 37 weeks I was hospitalized for no movement and fetal distress so they had to take out my kidney stones with surgery. The day after, her movement was still minimal so they did an ultrasound and turns out I had cord entanglement which is when the cord wraps around the babies neck inside the womb. I still got the chance to have a natural birth but had an emergency induction at 37 weeks. But it was all worth it because I got my beautiful baby girl out safely. 7 pounds 3oz born September 26th 2013 at 3:45pm.

Now back to my birth story for baby Maya. I was so nervous to get pregnant again. My daughter Sophie was 2 and we wanted to have a sibling for her! We got pregnant on the first try! We were so excited and blessed!!! I was very anxious due to my first pregnancy and all the complications and worrying. It was shockingly a very easy pregnancy. I threw up maybe twice and I was so convinced that it was a boy because both my pregnancies were completely different! But I got a girl again :) When I started getting towards the end of my pregnancy I got more and more anxious about all that could happen because of my first pregnancy. The cord entanglement was the worst thing I could have lost her. I hit 37 weeks and I've never made is past 37 weeks with my first born so I would get really bad panic attacks and every time I didn't feel the baby move I'd drive to the hospital for reassurance. My doctor kept telling me that the baby is just resting and everything was okay but I just couldn't help myself. He allowed me to get induced at 39 weeks. Two more weeks I told myself. Two more weeks. I was scheduled to be induced at 6am May 6th 2017. I set my alarm that night for 4am so I can get up, shower, slowly get ready and eat breakfast. At 1am I woke up to use the bathroom and I noticed that I lost my mucus plug. How bizarre right ? The day of my induction?! An hour later I started getting regular contractions but they weren't terrible. I got to the hospital at 5:45am and they checked me and I was 3cm dilated but I already have been since 35 weeks. They hooked me up on the monitor and told me my contractions were about 7 min apart lasting about 2 minutes. They gave me pitocin to speed up the process and my water broke about a couple hours after that. I wanted to go all natural and no meds but the pitocin made my contractions so terribly painful that after 7 hours I just couldn't handle it anymore so I gave in and got the epidural. So I give props to you all that went all natural after receiving the pitocin! I think if if wasn't for that I would have tried without it! The anesthesiologist came in and prepped me for the epidural. She told me to sit still and trust me there's no possible way to sit still during a contraction! She missed the first time and she had to do it again.😫 But it was my own fault! I was in a lot of pain and it felt terrible. I started shivering uncontrollably and she said it was normal and it was my adrenaline. I laid back down after she finished and started to feel my legs tingle. Instant relief but I know it wasn't really done right because I was still in pain maybe 5 out of 10. But that's my fault for moving so much she couldn't do it correctly. It was a lot of pressure but not as bad as I was feeling before. I was not a fan of this anesthesiologist we just didn't click, she didn't help me feel comfortable and just rushed it. With my first born I didn't feel a thing so maybe the dosage was just weaker. The nurse came in to check me and I was only at 3.5cm. An hour later I started feeling some weird pressure down below it literally felt like my vagina wanted to fall out. I rang the nurse and told her and she said it's normal to feel pressure and I'm like no this doesn't feel right can't you please check me ? And you know what she said? " oh I checked you an hour ago, this is going to take a while." I was like ok whatever. The pressure got worse 10 min later and I just knew I needed to push. I called the nurse again and she looked so annoyed with me I told her she needs to check me because something isn't right and she says she already checked me an hour ago and it's probably nothing but she will do it anyways. She went to put on her gloves and checked me she looked down and said oh wow I see the babies head! I knew something wasn't right I was so mad she didn't believe me 😡 She rang my doctor and the doctor didn't answer the first time so the nurse put up my legs on the holders and instructed me to push. The doctor made it right after that and got prepped and looked and me and said "well that happened fast!" I felt almost everything because my epidural was wearing off. I pushed 4 times and I felt the shoulders pop out and there she was! I pushed for 10 min! My beautiful baby girl! She was born just 3 minutes before my first born! Baby Maya born May 6th 2017 7 pounds 13 oz at 3:42pm Lots of pictures attached :)