i'm starting to resent his friends…

so sometimes if a subject comes up or something that my boyfriend is interested in in general and i'm just not, like a specific TV show for example, he like will basically say i have to take an interest in it, as like a stand in for one of his friends if that makes sense. for example (and im just using random names) he'll be like "come on you gotta take an interest, like if you wanna be up there with Shawn you have to be willing to talk about/watch this, he's one of the closest people in my life,if you wanna be on his level you gotta make the effort" or whatever, it'll be something like that. and at first i didn't really mind or think about it, i brushed it off kind of like "oh he just wants me to take an interest in a show that he likes" (which, it's not like i don't sit and watch them with them, i just don't thoroughly enjoy them as much as he does 🤷🏽‍♀️ and sometimes i watch them on my own when he isn't around just to be more familiar with the characters and the story line and it's not JUST with TV shows, that's only one example) and then after a while i was like wtf? i'm your girlfriend, and i have been for years, im not just some girl you're dating at the moment, i'm not asking you to put me above your friends, but you don't have to make me feel like i'm your last priority and it's my job to keep up either and that's what i feel like when he's one of my first. like i took a job that paid a WHOLE lot less than the job i was gonna take so that i could be with him when he had to move for work, i cook for him pretty much every night, for the most part i do all the dishes, if he forgets any clothes when he does his laundry i wash them for him, and it's like i try so hard every day to make him happy and make his life easier and it goes unnoticed but if his friends save him some leftover pizza they're the greatest people who ever walked the planet. So as much as it isn't his friends fault, i realized that i'm slowly starting to hate them because every time he says he's going to hang out with them i find myself in a bad mood. like when we first got together if i wanted to see him and he was like "oh i already have plans with my friends, i'm sorry" i'd be like "ok have fun" and then go hang out with my own friends, but now i like, get an attitude, i don't want to talk to him, when i see his friends i used to be super friendly and actually have conversations with them now i'll just like say hi and then ignore them pretty much. and i don't think my boyfriend realizes how rude that is, like i'm sure in his mind he really is just trying to get me to take an interest in certain things, but i feel like he has this pedestal that his friends are up on and every time he says something i feel like i'm trying to climb up on it and do everything under the sun for him, but because i don't genuinely want to talk about whatever it may be, like the last thing that brought this up he was telling me about how whatever he ate messed his stomach up and how long he was in the bathroom and just like was going into detail so i was like "um… i love you but i really don't wanna hear about what you do in the bathroom" and he was like you're my girlfriend, i gotta be able to talk to you about everything, then started with the whole "if it were Steve blah blah blah" , i can't get up on this pedestal because i don't want to talk about what he does in the bathroom or whatever else and it's really starting to bug me. i don't want to bring it up out of nowhere, but i'm at a point that he'll just say one of his friends names and i want to leave the room so i don't know what to do, it's not like he does this daily or weekly even, but it's been enough times for me to want to pull my hair out. like i need him to understand i'm not one of his boys, and i don't want to be one of his boys, and i don't want to be in a competition for the closest person in his life and i don't know what to do