12 dpo symptoms. What do you think??

Sarah • Mom to Wyatt 💙 and Noelle 💗

Hey guys! I've been TTC 11 months, but in the past couple months I've really made a lot of lifestyle changes that I hope are helping my fertility. I'm 12 dpo and am noticing some very out of the ordinary stuff that I thought I'd ask you about!

First of all, I have like a mix of creamy and watery cm that today is sporting a brown tinge in my underwear. I NEVER get this. The only spotting I get is at the end of a period.

My cervix is high, soft and closed. Can barely reach it!

Holy cow I'm peeing a lot. But it might just be because I'm super careful about staying hydrated in the July heat. But it's still weird for me to have to pee 15 minutes into my run after I went right before leaving.

Anyone have similar experiences? Been very good about not symptom spotting so far, but it's still exciting to see some new things happening!