So in love, I had to post twice xoxo Tell me your stories, lovely ladies!

Ladies, this may seem like not such a big deal to some of you, but I had to take a moment to be so grateful about my man. Also, I can't write to my friends on FB bc they might put 2 & 2 together and figure out the I'm pregnant (not ready to share that info with them yet)

But I've been miserable with Hyperemesis...again...and a royal bitchosaurus about, well...everything. Unfortunately (but fortunately), we were pregnant while in the middle of a move. I've been vomiting and having hot flashes like crazy. All of my stuff is in boxes and bags, we lost a chunk of my costume jewelry, and our mattress got ruined in the U-Haul from a massive storm that happened guessed it: the day of our move.

It's not been a great 2 weeks, and I'm definitely at my worst, but I constantly try to make up for it at night when we snuggle and I give him back rubs each night. He doesn't seem to mind my crazy ways and thinks ya cute (but it's really not lol)

Anyway, I was crying a lot today bc we are house sitting my sister in laws dogs and they are NOT potty trained. No matter how many times you take them outside, you insist on peeing and pooping in the house. So I gag on the poop and step in the pee and fall into a fit of tears. Super embarrassing btw hahaha

So, I was lying in bed vomiting...again. And my hubby gets the wonderful idea of going to Panera and picking up my favorite meal: half Caesar salad (extra dressing) + half tomato soup. Usually, I substitute the bread with an apple to watch my carbs.

But he comes home with my favorite order, and instead of an apple brings me the read to help settle my stomach. This alone has me in love. But on the very top of all the food is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE PASTRY. A fresh strawberry cheese danish.

Let me tell you what, I was in tears. The look on his face was so sad! He grabbed me and asked what he did wrong, I gave him a big hug and kiss and said "you never do anything wrong! You're perfect and I adore you!!...thank you for the danish." 💙❤️💜💚💛💕

Sorry for the long post, just needed to let someone out in the universe know what a wonderful husband, and soon-to-be father he truly is 😘