

This sounds like a stupid question I do apologise. Im 25 and I have been ttc for over 5 years. I take 50mg clomid as I do not ovulate on my own due to pcos. My fsh levels are over 50 and I was told I will react quite strongly to the clomid.

However it was my understanding that a period should arrive 2 weeks after the ovulation date. Unfortunately I have yet to gain my period cd40+ after taking the clomid during both cycles I have tried. I then induce a period with Norethisterone and clomid days 2-6.

Does this mean I haven't ovulated? I have my progesterone test on cd21 however I was told I can not have these results untill September when I see the consultat (my first cycle was may). I can't use opks as I always test positive.

I'm feeling really hopeless. Can anyone shed some light on this?

Thanks xx