Vagina Tears


Hello everyone! First time I've posted on here but all you women are so nice and caring! Just from what I've read, I love this app. Always helps me when I need to know something about my body or anything.

Sooooo, I have a problem. I'm pretty sure I have labia tearing. I've googled it and I have all the symptoms. It burns REALLY bad when I urinate, I have constant soreness, especially when I sit down and it hurts so bad, I try not to pee because when I do, I cry every single time. And I had my boyfriend look down there and he says its definitely torn. All I need is some home remedies to ease or completely take away the pain. I do have an appointment with my gyno in a few days, just to make sure everything else is a-ok and to double check. But most people self diagnose which is what I'm doing lol 😂😂 but if anyone has had this happen or has ANY advice to help ease the pain when I use the bathroom I'd greatly appreciate it!

P.S. all of you are so empowering and inspirations to me! ❤️❤️❤️❤️