No Sex Drive.


Well lately I've been feeling alone in my relationship like I'm the only one who wants something outta this relationship. I love to talk to about my day, life events, life goals and etc. however, 😒😒 my boyfriend is so closed minded to everything that it's like I can't even be me sometimes. Now I'm the oldest in the relationship by 3 years, this isn't much but you'd be surprised 😳 what that little of a difference can be. We've been dating for about a year and 3 months which in all honesty is the longest I've been in a relationship with someone and I actually take it serious. 😩😩 Anyway, we have our good days were we can talk about life and our future goals and they all sound amazing 😉 however, my life goals I'm actually going for them and pushing forward whereas with him he's has great realistic goals but doesn't seem to have enough motivation to the gears rolling and I'm trying to be his cheerleader and his supporter as well (Along with other family members) but its honestly not working.

Moving around some with my rant lol, we've been actually fighting like crazy 😜. we don't live together plus we both work odd hours so we see other on our days off which is the weekends and when we're together we just fight and it's over the smallest things. So because we been fighting and I feel alone I'm not in mood for sex at all. And when we have sex I'm very withdrawn from him. 😞😞 the intimacy is gone. I have no desire for sex. He's still feels the intimacy against us but I don't and I don't know how to get it back. 🙃🙃