No longer sleeping through the night


My LO is 19 weeks old today. She slept 12 hours straight at night for 3 consecutive nights, eating a total amount of 22 oz. These last couple of nights she started waking up after 7-8 hours of sleep. I wait for 5-10 minutes of whining before I go get her, feed her 2 oz, rock her for 10 minutes and then put her back in the crib while still awake. She'll eventually fall asleep by herself and sleep until 7am.

I am not sure why she is doing this now. Is she waking up now because she is hungry? Was she sleeping 12 hours straight previously because she was going though a growth spurt and is now back to normal? Is it ok to just feed her 2oz in the middle of the night?

Is anyone else seeing this same behavior? Should I be letting her cry it out?