Shitty guys

Why do women have to go through shitty men before meeting the right one, why can't you just meet the right one and that be it. I've been with this guy for almost three years and i thought he was the one but I HIGHLY doubt that now. He has become verbally abusive and I'm starting to resent him. I mean if a man isn't physically abusive, its verbally, if its not that he's cheating on you, if its not those its something else. He also hides stuff from me and when I find out he doesn't apologize. I don't trust anyone to tell them my business because they tend to spread it. I'm tired of being around him, looking at him. Most of the time I remember all the hurtful stuff he has said to me. I honestly hate him. He ask me be around his family when all I get is mean looks because anytime we fight they know about it.