Chance of Pregnancy??

Before anyone comments it, I don't want anyone to tell me I am or am not pregnant, I just wanted to know what my chances are of being pregnant.
I'm on the patch for birth control, however, I don't always replace it at the same time, sometimes it gets folded up or shifted around during the week, etc. so I'd say I'm using it probably like 80/85% accurately. It is the only form of protection my boyfriend and I use though, we don't use condoms and he doesn't pull out. Lately I've been feeling really off, I'm on my patch change day right now (week 2-3), but the past 2 weeks have been nothing but me being nauseaus, tired, my breasts have defenetely swelled a bit and my nipples are very sensitive right now (usually I love when my boyfriend plays with them, the past couple weeks it's gotten painful pretty quickly), I've had a headache on/off, and I've been having mood swings. All of this is completely uncharacteristic of me. What are the chances I could be pregnant? Obviously I'll take a test if I miss my period, but I wanted to know if my anxieties actually have some validity?