What's your parenting style? My babies teach me SO much.

MamaBear🐻🌼 • 26, Mom of two-proud Navy Wife & SAHM

When I was pregnant with my daughter over 4 years ago.... I was all about attachment parenting I don't think I really knew that phrase but, I was soooo very against letting a baby cry... I wanted to breastfeed SO bad, I wanted to baby wear all the time...

Well I had horrible problems nursing her it was a nightmare and impossible...when I gave her formula... I realized how naive and opinionated I was when I really knew nothing I was SO thankful for formula...it took the biggest burden off of me and I was able to be a happy mom wth a healthy baby..

she HATED the carrier she squirmed and cried and acted like I put her in a straight jacket.. so that didn't last long..

Annnnd she hit the 4 month sleep regression hard lol I stuck it out for 3 or 4 months, rocking and up all night sometimes every 30 min out of desperation she ended up in her swing the only place she would sleep at 7 months I broke down and finally decided to give sleep training a try..It took her ONE night one rough night and her misery and overtiredness and mine were OVER I finally had a baby that slept I finally could enjoy some time off at bedtime to myself I finally woke up refreshed ready to be a good mom... HUGE fan of sleep training...it's the WAY to go...

So when I was pregnant with my son I was fully prepared to have problems nursing fully prepared to sleep train him... I didn't invest in a carrier until after he was born..

Well oh my goodness I couldn't survive without my carrier like SURVIVE!!!!

I'mmmm really just not sure if the dude will EVER detach himself from me 😂

I tried sleep training him (6 months absolutely HORRIBLE sleeper) and for a week I beat myself up I expected it to work, I expected it to be the magic answer that it was for my daughter... To go the same way....

Well after a week I gave up I moved our crib by my bed with one side off like a co sleeper... after a week of feeling so guilty when he cried and feeling so guilty when I gave up and brought him to bed with me either way I felt guilty! I decided I wasn't going to feel guilty anymore.. motherhood isn't for feeling guilty, he's happy and healthy what is my problem? even though my first engrained a sort of disciplined parenting style in me my son was now undoing it 😂 when he was in the other room finally asleep after crying I couldn't sleep I was to anxious I wasn't used to him not being right next to me I missed him even though I am desperate for sleep... after 6 months of counting down until I can finally sleep train this child... and hopefully get him on more of an eating schedule rather than comfort nursing around the clock... 6 months of counting down until I can "do something about this" I have finally realized it's not what HE needs he's not my daughter... I've totally embraced this attachment parenting thing... and after just accepting it... I don't feel like I'm doing something wrong anymore, nursing him all day and night I just don't care anymore... it really is ok. it feels so good to feel like I don't have a "problem" to fix anymore... it's a weight off my shoulders that I put there! We will still gently work towards good sleep habits but I've just let it go...I'll nurse him all he needs at night! He can sleep with me it's ok. I love it. I'll miss it one day..

Baby's sure do lay down the law and show you how it is don't they. Do we ever have it figured out? Maybe when they're 20? I bet you learn something new with each child, they really to guide and teach US..All babies are SO different and need different things...

....motherhood is a learning experience!

Here's our cozy set up I LOVE it and am finally at peace with how we sleep 💜