Crazy baby fever while im ovulating (is this normal?)

So i dont know if this is just like normal for some people or not, but for about the last year, when im ovulating i get like SUPER baby crazy. The warm months are the worst. There were a couple of months last year that whenever i saw a child, a baby especially, i would tear up or outright cry. For no reason whatsoever. I really cant even handle anyone talking about not wanting/liking kids and anyone talking about their own children is almost as bad, i get way too emotional. Ive always dearly wanted children from the time i was 15 (21 now) but this is just ridiculous. Ive never been pregnant before, never even had a scare. I did start having sex significantly more often a bit before this started (got in my current relationship, my longest yet) and i do wonder if that might have anything to do with it. 
Has anyone else ever had this happen? Not one single person i know has, im almost worried theres something wrong with my hormones. :P