
Kaleigh • Major in Biology - I love animals - I love learning new things (would love to learn more about make up haha) - I love meeting new people and talking to friends - overall I love doing my own thing and being my own person! 😊😄
Its gets pretty lonely knowing you cannot express how you feel to people.. I have this Bestfriend but if I bring up something about life she usually doesn't respond. I have another pretty close friend but she is pretty selfish and somehow always makes it about her. I thought I had this guy I could always talk to but after talking to him for close to a year about what's going on it seems that he is annoyed with anything I have to say now. Now I feel like I have to keep everything to myself and just deal with it. I do enjoy talking to people and getting to know them on a personal level but they just always seem to get annoyed with me.