When a unique name is suddenly popular


My husband and I picked a first name for our girl that was a family name (great grandmother, great aunt) and that was versatile (lots of nickname options) and classic and lovely and wasn't too popular...or so we thought. When we picked little miss's name it wasn't in the top 50 but now has moved up 60+ spaces for 2017. I hadn't heard of any child with her name but a friend told me that 2 days after she was born, a baby in her town was given the same first and middle name. A coincidence I was sure. Then I looked on Shutterfly her first and middle name stared at me from the very first sample announcement card. After that her name popped up everywhere.

Who knew I was such a trend setter 😎😂😉

Her name is Evelyn Rose. If you want to steal it that's cool, just know they'll be like 10 in her class when she goes to school 😂🤣