So I am

So I am.ever so grateful that my lil boy is here arrived 8/7/2017, but let me tell you it was a hard birth I was in hospital 3 days prior with suspected sepsis blood problem and abnormal heart rate they eventually decide to induce me Friday but however I went into labour myself Thursday at 1pm my contractions was pretty iregular but I was 2 cm labour continues through till Friday they broke my water at 7pm by 8pm my contractions got strong and i was copeing really well but was so discorouged that 5 hrs later I only went to 3cm the docs didn't want to chance it so they put me on pitocin to speed things up so I gave in for an epidural this is when things took a turn the man who done my epidural whent in the wrong place and i felt a pop and so much pain he then moved it and felt fine contractions got really strong the epidural only worked on one side of the body so I was still in alot of pain slot of meds I was out of it 6 30 am I got checked I was fully dilated and his head was stuck had the vacuum and got cut 7 27 am he was born 7 pound 9 was hard work but worth it