Need some words of encouragement


Hi everyone, I'm just so down right now. We had our 2nd <a href="">Iui</a> done on 7/29. I did my blood test a week later and our progesterone level was only 7, so while our nurse indicated we ovulated the reality of us getting pregnant this time is nonexistent. I'm so sad. They increased my meds for femara this most recent time. I now have been getting cramps for the past few days, so I know AF is about to rear her ugly head. This whole situation is just so frustrating. Between me being diagnosed with unexplained infertility and ever since my husband had his vasectomy reversed (sperm count is about 3 million prior to being washed, urlogist seemed somewhat hopeful), I'm just getting down in the dumps. We met up with family this weekend and we kept getting all the questions about when we will be expecting. Everyone on that side of the family is overly fertile. I rarely share our fertility struggles but when I do the conversation gets awkward. On top of that it seems like everyone and their mother who is pregnant was out this weekend so I feel like it's a slap in the face. Sorry just feeling down and needed to vent. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.