What do you girls think I should do?

I was sexually assaulted in May by my ex he went to jail for about two weeks then was released on bond. Originally I had felt bad for his family and I didn't know how to feel about him, then when he was released he posted a picture of himself with the bracelet I gave him for his birthday. That in itself completely screwed with my mental state. Because I have little to no self esteem, what others think of me is very important but at that moment I didn't know how he felt about me. And it's really hard because my family is saying why the heck do you care what rapist thinks about you, and i don't know. Now in late June he posted what you see in the picture... If you can't read Spanish basically he is bragging about what he did. 😢 I haven't checked his page since but I really want to, just to see if he is posting more crap about me. Should I or should I not to save myself from further stress. 😒😢