Yaaaas another drug post!

Charley Knows • 24 and living without a thyroid 💪🏼

Okay I'm watching a programme (again, yes I have no life) which is behind the closed doors of Doctors appointments.

A man who is suffering anxiety and depression is speaking to the doctor. The doctor asked about his marijuana use and whether it has increased or not. The doctor said he isn't concerned about the increase as "marijuana is not addictive, per say". The patient responded saying "I do beg to differ, I have to smoke it everyday, if I have a cigarette and it has no weed in it I don't want or know"

I find it interesting that the doctor stated it isn't addictive, which obviously is backed up with scientific studies and medical research. But the patient disagreed, obviously he is using it due to his anxiety and depression, I just find it interesting that he believes it is addictive.

The patient went on to say that he would rather use marijuana that is grown out of the ground and nothing added to it.

So what are your thoughts on this? I understand the studies and that it is deemed not addictive but what do you think about this mans opinion?

Question basically is:

"Do you think that despite research marijuana is addictive?"

Also is it dependent on the person?

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