Sleep training...

Erin • Hello mamas! My name is Erin, I`m 27 and very happily married to the man of my dreams. Our rainbow baby is due 2/6/17!!

So today we start sleep training our 5 month old son. We had a long talk about it this morning and I swear he knows what I'm talking about! I know he's ready for it and he's already doing a great job with his first nap, been in his crib for 15 mins and not a peep. We are doing a somewhat modified Ferber method with extra down time before sleep time to get momma snuggles that I'm going to miss from my extra wiggly baby boy. Rocking him to sleep is taking its toll on this 5'2" 145 pound momma. He's 20 pounds y'all. 20! Wish me luck. So much luck. And good luck to anyone else out there sleep training their little ones.