

I feel like my heart has shattered into a million pieces. I've been trying to get pregnant for the last year unsuccessfully. My estrogen levels are low and I don't get a period. I can't afford an HSG so the fertility clinic I went to won't do anything until I get that. My new OB was about to prescribe me Clomid without an HSG but my estrogen came back still low after months of trying to increase it naturally. He won't prescribe the Clomid because he thinks I won't respond to it with my estrogen as low as it is. He told me Thursday about prescribing Clomid but was waiting for my labs to come back to call it in. I spent all weekend super excited and hopeful to try Clomid but then he called and wanted to refer me back to the fertility clinic. I can't afford it until next year because of my high deductible. I feel like the world just came crashing down on me and I can't stop crying. I'm glad they didn't call me while I was at work because I'd have to leave. I don't need anyone to tell me it's going to be ok because I don't know if I believe that right now but I could use a hug right now. And maybe some ladies who have dealt with low estrogen could share their experience. Thanks.