I'm worth how much??


Sit tight ladies...this might get long, but I REALLY need some advice!!

Background: I started nannying for a family March of 2017. Previous to that I was an infants and tods teacher for 2 and a half years as well as having multiple college credits in child education, my 90-hour certificate, cpr/first aid/AED certified, and additional years of babysitting experience. Their child turned one in June 2017. I landed the job using Care.com and the family's ad stated $10-15/hr. The only duties they mentioned involved caring for the child. When I interviewed they were very nice and mentioned that I would start at $10/hr but that after I "proved myself" my pay would increase. When I first began I only worked 2 days per week from 7am to 3:30pm and only cared for the child and did things for the child (meals, diapers, art, etc.) they had another nanny who worked the remaining days/hours. The end of April they allowed me to start bringing my son, who is 1 month younger than their son, along with me. They have always open

Since then...

I began working 5 days a week maybe a month after I began working for them. Two days were 7am-3:30pm and 3 days were 11am-4:45pm. Once again, the other nanny covered the 12 remaining hours of the week. Well, two weeks ago the other nanny quit suddenly due to differences that apparently could not be settled. Last week they were on vacation so we had very little contact. Today, I went to work and the family is now requesting the following:

-45 hour work week (now covering all the hours)

-Cleaning their floors (vacuuming and mopping all floors twice a week) which I have been doing since I started bringing my son

-Doing any dishes (by hand) that are left in the sink (not just the childrens's, but anything they pile in the sink, which could be dinner/dessert dishes from the night before etc) Another thing I have been doing since April.

-Occasionally doing laundry when they are "behind." Another thing I have been doing since April

-Prepping dinner for them on days she is running late

-taking the boys "out" to an activity of somesort (zoo, aquarium, etc) twice a week.

Note: this family has a maid who comes once every 2 weeks to "deep clean." I get no paid vacation days, although I am off on major holidays since she is a gov't employee.

So...to get to the point. They want me to continue doing all of this, while increasing my hours by almost 10 hours a week, for still only $10/hour.

Personally, this is an insult. The minimum wage in my state just increased to $9.25/hr. I have been doing all of the cleaning/housework skills mentioned since April with no raise at all even though during the interview they said they would consider the raise after I'd proven myself. They tell me all the time how much the LOVE me and how much their child loves me and how their life wouldnt work without me around to help, etc.

I need thoughts!!! Am I really being that unrealistic about a raise?? I get that they are doing me a wonderul service by letting me bring my son, but their child also benefits from the social interaction not to mention that I am taking care of two toddlers. What is a fair bargain???? Please HELP!!!!