Going Back on Birth Control

So, I went off the pill (pictured) in December or November of last year because I kept getting yeast infections SO much. I also wanted something more natural and vegan, so that's when I began using the FAM method and condoms.

However! I enjoy sex and also like to feel safe when I'm having it and the pill let me enjoy myself fully because I was't super worried about an accidental pregnancy.

I started out with Alesse or Alysena and then switched to Tricira Lo, because of the yeast infections, but I only stayed on it for a couple months before stopping taking BC for good (in Nov/Dec).

• I've been looking into getting a non-hormonal IUD (copper) and I'd like to know some stuff about this.

• Should I go back on this pill?

• If I do, will the yeast infections come back?