Water gun to keep squirrels away- cruel or no?


Ok, we have a bird feeder on the deck and we have three dogs. I have let them out multiple times not looking around and they have almost gotten this squirrel a few times. I don't want the squirrel to die and I don't want the dogs eating a squirrel. So we have taken to squirting the squirrel when we are about to open up the door so he gets a head start and the dogs don't get them. My husband posted a video of it (it's a dollar store water gun; honestly the squirrel barely even cares) and someone went off about animal cruelty.

My thought? It's either a wet squirrel or a dead squirrel.

What are your thoughts.

And yes; we need new content on cc so I legit posted the great squirrel debate.

You are welcome

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