I REALLY want to make it to 40 weeks..


Or at least 39! Is it just me or am I not seeing a lot of people making it to their DD? Today I just seen the 6th person I know (out of 6!) this year deliver around 38 weeks! I know that's full term and everything but now that it's getting closer to my DD I feel like need every week of preparation (especially mentally) that I can get. I know DD's are more of a guideline but after 34 weeks of reciting the same date I feel like I need to give birth that week. My DD is August 20 and him being born the 17-22 would be ideal. I think I'm just scared and will be caught off guard if he's born at 38 weeks. I'd probably be in denial with labor pains and when people look at me alarmed I'll be like "oh no I'm not due for another 2 weeks." 😂😭