If my baby could blog... 😂


I decided today that if my baby could blog it would go something like this, "mom and I woke up this morning after a solid 9hrs of sleep, however she still felt like a bus hit her because of my one inch long developing self. She then went to work which the thought of working five straight days after a previous three day week seemed unbearable. She caved a drank coffee for the first time in over a week and then worried at every twinge for the rest of the day. When she got home she sat on the bed for a half hr while constantly pushing the overly affectionate cat away. When she got up her tailbone/lower back was super tight for basically no reason. She then thought about seeing a chiro but since she hasn't been to one wondered if it was okay for me. She would have looked it up online but if she had she would have 100% without a doubt found someone who told her it ended is miscarriage 😬. She then ate two chicken tacos without any ranch or sour cream cause she is concerned for my wellbeing and also doesn't want me to weigh 10lbs by feb. Even though the tacos were good and she didn't overeat I'll make sure she feels like crap the rest of the night and is in bed by 9:30" 😝😹😉