Not in the "mood"??


At the beginning of my relationship, with my husband (now). I have never bonded with anyone like I have with him. I've never felt sexually attractive or have the sudden urge to just shove anyone in my mouth (ex's). I was very horny for him all the time. We were always late meeting up with our friends or going out, because we would throw in a "quickie" before we left the house. I gave him road head all the time just because I wanted him. We always had spontaneous sex!! We would be coming home from somewhere and would have to stop somewhere because I would be laying in his back seat naked. I wanted to have sex with him all the time!!! If he just lifted an eyebrow I would pounce him. Sliding his tongue across his teeth, would make me quiver. I also got the butterflies, and the electric feeling through my body when we touched. We've been together for 4 years and last year we got married... after the first year I just haven't been in the mood since. We were both in the Navy and had gone on one deployment together. When we returned home. I went into a huge depressed state. And I honestly don't know why. He wanted to make love and I would simply tell him that I wasn't in the mood. It then got to the point that he thought I didn't love him anymore and that I didn't find him attractive. I still loved him, I just couldn't find an answer to how I was feeling. We started to roll with life. Go to work, come home, eat dinner, watch TV and go to bed. He tried to turn me on most nights, but I just couldn't find myself to being in the "mood". He was depressed not wanting to come home. He even told me that he wanted to take his life... if that would make me happy. The worst part of this went on for about a year. He purposed to me, I of course said yes. I debated for almost a year to whether or not I should marry him, because I don't want to continue to hurt him anymore than I should. But I was in love with him still. I didn't want to give up because of a simple downfall. Him and I went to the court house and secretly got married. We had our actual wedding later that year. I really do love him and I have been trying to start that "spark in my vagina" again (lol). We are still together and I'm not in that depressed faze anymore. But I'm also not in that spontaneous sex mood either. I would really like to be, again... My question that I have for you.

Have you ever gone through this? And I'm not meaning "well, that's because you got married" "that's the married life for you"

We have no kids yet. (We are waiting for our time to come) we still have a couple more years until we are 30. So, no rush.

I just want to know

if anyone has experienced a downfall in their sex life and managed to pick it back up with their same partner??