Post-Pill Amenorrhea? - stopped taking BC 1 month ago

Chelsea • Baby 3 due Dec ‘22. Mom of 2 boys 💙

So I've only been off birth control pills for a month and my period should have started in the last couple of days. Before the pill my cycle was like clockwork but I was on BC for about 9 years (I'm 29 btw). Husband and I weren't planning to really start trying for a couple months. I had to ween off my anxiety med and I wanted to give my body time to adjust off my meds before ttc.

I'll give it another day or two before taking a HPT (I doubt I'm pregnant - pretty sure I didn't ovulate this month). But I was wondering if anyone has experience with post-pill amenorrhea ? I'll be so sad if I messed up my cycle/fertility because of birth control pills :(e