Provera & Femara?

Callie • 👶🎀 8.18.18. 👶🎀 3.16.20.

I was watching a YouTube vlogger earlier tonight, and she said that when you induce a period with Provera, it's a "fake" period, and ovulation doesn't occur. First of all, is this true to begin with? And secondly, if it is true, is it STILL true if you're also taking Femara? I had to induce my period with Provera in order to start my first round of Femara (currently CD 14 and OPKS are still very negative). Also, she said something else that has me wondering: if you get your period naturally, does that automatically mean that you ovulated? I'm sorry if these are dumb questions, I'm just new to Femara and Provera and am still trying to figure everything out. Thanks!