preterm birth story
My sweet girl made her early arrival at 35 weeks on July 5th weighing a big 7lbs and 18 3/4 in. I went into preterm labor at 32 weeks and dilated to a 5. Started on magnesium sulfate to try to stop my contractions and Stayed on hospital bedrest until 33 weeks. Then I had not progressed past a 5 or had anymore contractions so they allowed me to go home on strict bedrest. 2 weeks later on the 4th of July as I was laying on the couch I felt something wet drip out. I honestly just assumed I had probably peed my pants(pregnancy perks🙄) so I stood up and a huge gush just flew out. So I was told if it was my water breaking it would smell like bleach or chlorine or something along those lines and sure enough it smelled like chlorine. So we went into l&d triage and as they went to check me to see if it was my water the dr says "holy cow that's a lot of hair on her head!" So that was my water breaking and she checked my cervix where I was still only dilated to a 5 and 70% effaced, I was not really contracting much just very mild period like cramps.
I was moved to a room and was expected to deliver in the night since I had dilated half way already. Around 6am on July 5th I still hadn't progressed so my OB started me on pitocin to get me going since my water had broken the risk of infection is higher the longer she is in there.
Around 12pm I still had not progressed so my OB was going to see if I had any extra wate in there and sure enough I did. He popped the rest and moved baby around a little to let the water out and holy cow did it flood the bed! I did have polyhydrosis(extra amniotic fluid) as well so you can only Imagine how much came out! Not even 10 minutes after he did that came my contractions from HELL. I couldn't breathe anymore or sit still it was unbearable and I was begging for my epidural.
That epidural was HEAVENLY I was so relaxed and able to enjoy some of my labor and get really excited to meet my little baby girl. I started pushing around 1:30 and pushed until around 3:50 when some air got into my epidural line and it shut off the flow to my legs so I was able to feel everything again... and it was awful. I was so exhausted from pushing for 2+ hours already that the incredibly awful pain I now had made me not able to push dude to exhaustion and loss of oxygen.
My lifesaver nurse anesthetist came in with a quick acting med he put into my epidural to allow me to continue pushing and get my babe out! The dr suggested forceps to help since my babe was stuck under my pubic bone and I gladly accepted the help. As soon as he just pulled her little head under my pubic bone I was able to push her out in 2 more pushes. At 4:14pm my beautiful baby was born screaming and showing everyone she may be early but she is mighty!❤

Since she was 35 weeks they do require her to be in the NICU. Her only problems was a little jaundice that we are done with now and some periodic breathing. Periodic breathing is very common with preterm babies due to their brain stem not being 100% developed. So sometimes their brain forgets to fire the neuron that tells them to take a breath so they forget and their oxygen drops and sometimes if they forget long enough their heart rate drops but with a little tapping on her foot and sitting her up and talking to her she remembers she needs to breathe. Due to this they have started her on caffeine as it works as a stimulant in the brain and reminds her brain to take that breath if she forgets. And the oxygen she has in her nose is just there if she does forget to breathe it helps but she breathes perfectly fine without it! My baby will go home on a heart monitor for a month or two to let us know if her little brain does forget to breathe but we're ok with that😊
I love this girl more than life itself
Aisley Genevieve ❤

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