Help ladies 😩😩


So I started a new form of birthcontrol so It made my ph levels in my vagina get all wacky. I had the yeast before my period so I treated it with over the counter creams I got my period the itching stopped after my period it was back. I went to the doctor was prescribed two pills of fluconzale 150 mg took one Thursday the day I went and another on Saturday like the doctor told me the itching has gone down a lot but is still kind of there I'm thinking that the pill didn't work it's already been 6 days and I still have a little itch. He also prescribed me a refill of nystatin and triamcinolone just in case I ever got another yeast. He said the pills would do the trick but I still have some symptoms should I go a get the cream or wait it out because the pill is still doing it's job?