How did you work colleagues react?

Just wondering, for those who have told their employers they're expecting, what response you've had from colleagues?
I'm 23 weeks and told my employers about 2 months ago and they were great, seemed very happy for me but today I was talking to my line manager about my rights etc when I'm off (we don't get SMP so I'm claiming maternity allowance but I'm still entitled to accrue holidays) and she started going on about how ridiculous it is that they're paying for me to have a baby when she's worked all her adult life (like I have) and chosen not to have kids etc.
I didn't want an argument so I just said I have every intention of claiming what I'm entitled to.
To be honest I'm not to concerned about not getting those things, the company will honour it I'm sure, guess I'm just kind of hurt as we get on quite well and it sort of came out of no where :(