Help! Dog jumped on belly

Emma • Married to my best friend and momma to the sweetest baby girl. 11/5/17💜

Sooo, I was laying down on the bed and our big lab/pit (pic attached) mix was laying with me. My fiancé came in the bedroom and started playing with him on the bed 🙄 just as I was about to tell him to stoppit and take it to the living room our pup got too excited and turned around and jumped on my lower right side. It hurt so badly - I immediately rolled over and started to cry. The pain lasted a minute. Do I need to be worried or is baby very protected in there? I'm 22w4d. I'm going to go soak in a Luke warm bath and watch for spotting/cramping. Any input, advice, or previous experience would be appreciated! Thanks in advance ladies!

As I type she's also moving around like crazy - which I hope is a good sign