Help quitting

Please no bashing.

Before I was pregnant with my first, I was smoking almost 2 packs a day. I struggled my entire pregnancy to quit. Doctors wouldn't give me anything to help either and just told me to cut back. I got down to about 3-4 a day before I had her. I was induced because of cord blood flow problems and she was only 4 pounds and 14 ounces. No NICU stay and for that, I'm grateful.

After I had her, I went back up to almost 1 1/2 packs a day again.. now I'm pregnant with my second and struggling so hard to quit. I know i need to. It makes me feel horrible every single time I smoke. But my withdrawals are horrible. I mean horrible. My doctor prescribed me "wellbutrin" (not sure if that's how you spell it) but I haven't started it yet. (I have a major phobia of pills). I just need help with this. I want to quit so bad but I don't have the self discipline. 😭😭😭