Lack of PMS and difficulty TTC

Has anyone ever experienced changing PMS? Normally my symptoms are pretty strong about a week before I'm due for AF. My boobs usually swell up from a C cup to a D cup and will be so painful I have to sleep with a sports bra on, I'll get horrible cramps that have me hunched over slightly when I walk, my face and chest will break out, fatigue, food cravings, the whole 9 yards. Also, my period was consistently about 20-22 days from the last day of my period to the 1st day of the next.
Recently, the past 2 or 3 cycles, I've had hardly no symptoms and it has been about 25 days between periods. My boobs are no longer getting fuller, but my nipples have started getting so sensitive, which was never a PMS before. Ive started getting nauseous for the 3 or 4 days before my period. Initially I thought I was pregnant because of the nipple sensitivity and nausea so I took tests but they were all negative and then a few days later I would start my period. I've also started cramping only on the first day of my period. The past few periods I've honestly felt like I'm just not going to get one, not necessarily that I could be pregnant (just because when I was pregnant last year I knew I was pregnant before I missed my period or took a test from the way that my abdomen and insides felt...if that makes sense), but just that a period just isn't going to happen. 
I'm 24 and this has never happened before. I've also actively been TTC since February with no luck. I know we're both fertile because I got pregnant without trying a little over a year ago but I had a miscarriage right at 7 weeks. My gyn said everything seemed fine at my last pap about 2 months ago. I'm worried that my lack of symptoms and the fact that I'm not pregnant yet are a sign of not ovulating. 
I'm not really sure where I'm going with this post, I guess I just wanted some opinions or to see if anyone else has been in the same boat.