Baby Sleep Help/ Vent

A little background first. My son is 4 months old and ebf. We also co sleep. Have since he came home from the hospital. At first I was ok with it bc I knew I was his safe space and his comfort and food, but now it's ridiculous. I can't do ANYTHING without him. He even screams in his seat just bc he's not being held. It's so bad to the point of I had an upset tummy bc of some food I ate and my husband couldn't even hold our son without him screaming until I picked him back up. It was be in pain physically or be in pain emotionally listening to him cry. Part of it is bc my husband is gone all day and when he comes home, holds him for a couple mins but as soon as he starts to fuss gives him right back. He gets so frustrated that he can't try to find a way to calm him, and as soon as I pick him up, he stops. It is extra tolling bc instead of getting a break when he's home, I'm stuck holding the baby 24/7. I get no breaks. My showers are short and stressful, and forget going out alone. I've also struggled with PPD, but I'm too scared/proud to get meds for it, and also can't even afford it as I'm not eligible for Medicaid anymore. So I just tough it out when it gets bad.

I think I could live with out getting out alone if I could at least sleep by myself. I can't even put him in the middle of the bed or he wakes up. Tried a paci, and he hates being swaddled now. If he's not cradled right next to me he wakes up... I'm going to lose it if I don't get some kind of break soon. I find myself resenting my husband and my baby. Any tips or advice to get him to at least sleep on his own? Sorry for the long post...