Am I missing something?!

Mara • 19. Canadian. Not trying to conceive at this time.

My boyfriend gets very jealous very easily. And when he does, he normally gets sad and miserable and pouts because he doesn't feel 'good' enough for me. So, I try my best to not do things or be involved with people/things that he would be jealous about.

So today a coworker invited me to his jack and Jill shower and his wedding. (Please note that he has invited everyone from work and everyone is going so it's not specific to me!) My boyfriend is currently a 2 hour plane ride away from me so he isn't local right now. So I told him I wasn't going to the wedding and shower. And he got mad at me because I didn't want to go without him. Also note, there are 2 men at my work that spend their time just hitting on me asking me to go out for drinks, dinner, gym dates, etc all the time even though they know I'm in a relationship.

So my boyfriend is mad because I won't go and he shrugged it off and can't understand why I wouldn't go to a wedding with one of the guys from my work who has been hitting on me as my date.

What the heck do I do? He's so mad at me