Chemical pregnancy


Hi all, I'm looking for some advice. On Sunday, after feeling really different and odd for a week, I decided to take an early pregnancy test (4 days before AF was due) which came out positive. I then took a second later on that day just to double check, again positive.

Being completely over-excited and also wanting to triple-check how far along I might be, I took a Clearblue test last night (AF due today) which confirmed that I was not pregnant. I confirmed that with two separate tests again first thing this morning. AF hasn't appeared today, which I'm putting down to the complete up and down few days of emotions I've had, but the results couldn't be clearer; I'm not pregnant.

I can only assume that it was a chemical pregnancy, which causes false positives. I know it was really early on and there was barely anything even there, but it's really upset and disappointed me as we'd both gotten so excited about the positive test.

I know that we'll be trying again this month and for however long it takes us to get pregnant and I know that this is my body's way of telling me that embryo wasn't right for us, I've rationalised it all but am still feeling really down.

My question is; to the ladies who have experienced similar things, what were your feelings afterwards and how did you get past the disappointment? Also, what can I expect now over the next few days/weeks? Will it just be a late period and will my ovulation dates change?