Vulva aching. Anyone else?

Do any of you get this sort of aching? It's similar to a bruised feeling, but all the time.

(Maybe TMI) My vulva area normally aches during my period. But I've already had AF (1st July) and am not due again until about the 1st of August. We have been TTC, but lbh, we haven't been going crazy with the BD as much as we should. Two or three times since my last period, as haven't got my libido back yet since going off BC. Glow says I've just had my ovulation period, today being the last day. The aching started about 3 days ago. I'm thinking that I'm already pregnant, but had BFNs up until about a week ago. Haven't tested since. Tested with an OPK with FMU 2 days ago with a + and my vg was super tight that day too.

Also very tired every day, and symptoms of a cold for about a week. CM is cloudy/stringy/light, cervix has been high/soft/medium (open)