Starting out💪


Hello! I started going to the gym and want to lose weight/tone up/build muscle/just be healthier. I was doing heavy weights reps of eight and three sets, but then I was told to do lighter weights with more reps (I do 20) and three sets. Which method would be better for me?

After work outs I drink a protein shake. That's good right? What kinds of things do y'all add to your shakes?

Counting macros... I have looked into starting to count my daily macros to keep track of my meals and all that. I've pretty much cut out all bread and mainly eat meat and veggies. I have read a lot about what percentage of fat, carbs, and protein to use but it feels like every website has different advice. Has anyone had success counting macros? What did you do that worked or didn't work? I've considered keto but I like potatoes 🤷

Thanks!! I'm just looking to learn and I appreciate the help and tips!!