Steady, reliable birth control would be great...

But the side effects scare the shit out of me!

I'm in a relationship with a guy I've been with for about 4.5 years. He's the only person I've been with seriously and we plan to get married and spend our lives together 💗💗💗

But anyways, for contraception we use a combination of condoms and pulling out (while wearing a condom). It's been safe and effective so far but I still get really nervous about ever getting pregnant because we wouldn't want kids for at LEAST another... 5-10 years.

Thyroid (AKA hormone) problems later in life effect my family heavily. I also don't love the idea of messing with my body's natural hormones. I dunno, it's just doesn't currently sit right with me. Plus I worry about my hormones after stopping hormonal contraception going back to normal, and when I'll want to have kids. Also I know a big side effect of the traditional pill in weight gain and with thyroid (metabolism) issues running in my family too, I worry about putting on weight when I'm at my ideal, healthy weight now.

What do I do? Do I suck it up and continue with my current method of condoms and pulling out or do I take hormonal contraceptives that scare me? I don't know what to do... 😩😩😩😩😩 Help a girl out