MULTIPLE MC'S but still can't seem to give up


Since October 2015 I have had 11 MC. Most were back to back... the furthest I went was 10 weeks and needed a D&C.; Getting pregnant once I started trying was easy got pregnant the first time. (Background I have 11 year old son with a different man not my current husband) I had my first son in Dec. 2005 at 25 although I had a a early MC and also have birth to a stillborn at 6 months Dec 2004.

I didn't know I was even capable of having a child at that age had accepted it, then My son came he was a shock and a miracle. Assumed I had time but didn't get married till 2014. Deep down I knew I would have a problem but I thought getting pregnant as I'm now late thirties. I've lost most at 4-6 weeks. Seeing a positive isn't something I get excited about, I get scared. For months I stopped "trying" and didn't get pregnant I had accepted it more but then 2 months ago I did. I let myself get excited but was still scared and lost it within days of positive test. They have NO IDEA why I keep MC. But here I am once again giving it a shot and "trying". I just feel like I'm not ready to give up and have hope. My son was a miracle and I'm just praying for one more. It's just so hard to have hope I haven't seen anyone with as many MC. But I still have some!