


On June 15,2017 I gave birth to my sweet baby boy that was stillborn. I last heard his heartbeat on June 14,2017. June 15 was the worse day of my life. To go a full 9 months and the outcome is no baby to bring home.I was only 2 weeks away from a scheduled C-section for June 27,2017 but that day never came. My sweet baby boy was 5lbs 13oz and 19.3 inches long with a head full of heart with all that heartburn he gave mommy. I still don't know the cause of death to my precious baby boy and it will be a full month tomorrow. Right now my son is sitting at a funeral home because I don't have the funds to give him a proper burial. My heart is not set on a cremation at all. I can bare the thought of having my baby burn to ashes. I've made a Go fund me account to get assistance . I'm asking for prayer , strength and guidance through this process . If your unable to donate please just share it on Facebook. To look it up type in "Fighting for Donovan". No mother should go through this at all and I pray that all mothers that's pregnant or already have their babies to keep them close because we never know . This would have been my rainbow baby since I loss my daughter last year 2016 as well but now I have two guardian angels looking down on me. Everyday is not easy but I'm trying to push through because I still have a 5 year old that's looking for me to be there for him. Thank you ladies for your time.. Here's a picture that was taken on June 16,2017 of my sweet baby boy