Having depression and dealing with a needy, narcacist friend

Linnette • Just your average happily married, 31 year old, FTM, travel lover

So at the beginning of June, I had a major breakdown. I couldn't eat and all I felt I could do was sleep and cry. My husband had to stay home from work to take care of our 10 month old son. Skip forward two weeks. I received a text from a friend (Holly) telling me she would be there for me, I just had to reach out. (this was after I had just reached out) It was sweet but I didn't feel like I connected with her about depression as much as I did with another friend (Colby). Our mutual friend (Annie) told Holly about me seeking support from Colby and she (Holly) totally flipped out on me for not going to her first. Being depressed, it made me feel totally crappy about myself. I got crap for not liking Holly's posts on Instagram after I had told her I wasn't using social media much due to my depression. I am a people pleaser to a fault so I apologized and told her I loved her. I feel like I can do no right with this girl. Now that I am in a different mind frame, I wish I hadn't done that. I feel like Holly really kicked me while I was down. My son's first birthday party is soon and I am stressed about her finding out I didn't invite her. Has anyone else experienced this kind of friendship? BTW we are in our early 30's. Isn't this a little juvenile?