Woman tosses molotov cocktail at pro-life prayer group

Pro-life's often get labeled as radical, woman-hating religious fanatics who are dangerous, ticking time bombs just waiting to explode in a fit of rage and bloody violence.

In reality, most pro-life activists are peace loving Christians who simply want to save the lives of the unborn and preserve their right to live.

It’s actually the leftists you have to worry about most of the time.

Like Melanie Toney, who decided those who oppose taking away the life form of babies in the womb deserved to die so she chucked a molotov cocktail at a prayer group outside of a Planned Parenthood building.

From Down Trend:

As reported by KEYE, 52-year old Melanie Toney decided that it was so important that women be allowed to kill their unborn babies that she was going to try to kill some people that oppose the practice.

According to the affidavit, the incident happened around 6:25 p.m. on Monday at the Planned Parenthood building on East Ben White Boulevard. Multiple witnesses told police that they witnessed Toney throw a flaming object out of the passenger side window of her BMW SUV near the protesters, the affidavit stated.

Witnesses said that Toney tried to cover her license plate with a piece of cardboard proving just how premeditated this crime was. Police were not fooled and the fire-bomber was stopped 3 miles from the crime scene and arrested.

As if this lady’s actions weren’t enough to convince you she’s mentally unstable, what she actually made the molotov cocktail with proves she’s a few french fries short of a full happy meal.

Toney used gum out fuel–in a plastic bottle–and a rolled up paper towel for the wick.

Just about everyone knows that you don’t make a molotov cocktail out of a plastic bottle. You use glass, because the whole point is for the bottle to shatter and spread the fuel on the intended target.

Still, it’s incredibly sick and disgusting this woman was prepared to set someone on fire in order to promote aborting innocent babies. Obviously Toney has no respect for human life, which isn’t evidenced by her support of abortion alone, but also how easily she was ready to kill others who disagreed with her views.

Funny, I don’t recall the last time I heard about a bunch of radical pro-lifers trying to kill abortion supporters. Wonder why that is?