

I miscarried at 5 weeks on June 20th and right when I think I'm doing fine, we get in a social situation with a bigger group and I basically lose it all. I'm usually an extrovert and now I'm really quiet and just want to crawl out of my skin. Nothing feels right, I get awkward, I hate the small talk - people ask about our summer and what we've been up to and I just want to scream that we're grieving from an effing miscarriage. I want to enjoy my friends and people in general like I used to but I feel so isolated and I really just want to be alone. Is anyone else experiencing this?

I know it could've been a lot worse for us and I can only imagine how it feels when you're a lot farther along, but holy cow I want this season of our life to be over. Sometimes I can trust in God's timing and try to hear what He's trying to teach us and other times I just want to fast forward to when I can be "normal" again. Will that ever happen?